Monday, March 26, 2012

Rush Hour

Here is an idea of mid-morning traffic in Foumban, Cameroon.


Careful, bulls don't have turn signals.

Also, I don't believe I've mentioned this before but taking taxis here is very different from at home.

First off, they are usually a shared taxis which mean I hop in with other people if we are going the same way. These taxis generally have assigned routes somewhat like public transport.

Second, when I hail a taxi, the driver and I agree on a price before hand- there are no meters. Lately, taxis have been rather inexpensive. For a 20 minute shared taxi ride to the beach, I paid 300 CFA (about 60 cents).

Last, and the most different from home, is how many people we pack into a taxi. Think of a normal car. Then put four or five squished people in the back. And have one person sitting in the driver seat and the driver on top of him, on his lap. And two more people in front for a total or four people in front. Then put babies and children on knees and you can easily have 8-12 people in this small taxi car!

- Sent from Africa using my iPad

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