Friday, January 20, 2012

Hippos and Crocs and Monkeys, Oh My!

One driving day, we ended up bush camping on a sacred hippo reserve and in the morning, we went to see the hippos.

Nine of us got into the boat and one by one, six guides piled into the back and started pushing us out into the lake.

Hippo lake!

It didn't take long until we spotted us some hippopotamus. They lurked in the water almost daring us to come closer.

They splashed around, opened their mouths (which is pretty impressive), and just lounged about. I was amazed by how huge they were, even from a distance.

Purty... See any hippos?

The same day in the evening, we went to another 'sacred' lake for crocodiles.

"I'ma getcha!"


Our guide showed us to a croc who was lying in the sun. Then he sat on it! I was surprised and then even more surprised when he asked us if any of us wanted a try. And, really, how many times in your life are you going to sit on a live crocodile?

In my head I was thinking, 'Please don't wake up!'

Sharlene and her croc

Then the finale came. With him our guide had brought two live chickens who were destined to meet their maker.

Poor, poor chickies

Dinner time :(

I didn't wake up that morning thinking I would meet a crocodile and probably neither did the chickens...

Just yesterday, we went to a village that as a community project, protects and takes care of the monkeys. On our monkey walk, we learned that the monkeys were considered sacred and it is illegal to kill or harm a monkey. They are treated like people and have people funerals.mThey even had their own grave yard.

These monkeys were so cute and good natured. We were given a few peanuts each so they would come right up to us and we could feed them.

Mommy and baby

I made a friend!

Three monkeys :)


After seeing the monkeys we walked around the village called Boabeng Fiema.

- Sent from Africa using my iPad


  1. Wow Anna... thanks for sharing your adventures! I would almost kill for some sun right now... we have a total of 9 inches of snow here in north Seattle... I heard up in the Marysville/Arlington Area they have up to 1 foot! Its been snowing and snowing and then we get pounded with freezing rain. Yikes! But finally today we get some relief with some rain and its finally melting the snow, YAY!! Making the roads around her alot easier to travel on. Anyways, SOOO many people are out of power right now, With the tree branches freezing and falling on the lines, Im thankful that we have had power this last week.... Anyways, I just wanted to fill you in on whats going on back here in WA... I truely enjoy reading about your travels and you have inspired me to look into Going on a trip myself, i dont know to where yet, but im definately considering visiting some of the sites that you have discribed... Anyways, I hope you have a safe journey and Please keep updating your blog when you can, i truely enjoy reading... Have a great day, or night.. whichever it is over there. :)
