Wednesday, February 1, 2012

God Is Most Merciful Bike Repairs

One of the first things I noticed when we crossed into Ghana are the signs and names of the stores. Most every store, shop and stall has some kind of Biblical name. For instance:

But seek first the kingdom of God construction works

Some of my favorites have been:

He is risen fast food
Say your prayers beauty salon
God is most merciful bike repairs
And He shall be worshipped furniture
Jesus died for you cleaning supplies
Steps to Christ used books
Walk with faith tyres

Cars, buses, and taxis also all have pictures of sayings about God and Jesus...

This taxi is less decorated than most...

Soon we are leaving Ghana, an english speaking country, and crossing the border into Togo then Benin, both French speaking countries. After those two, we head on to Nigeria!

- Sent from Africa using my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Anna!

    Where in the world are you? Are you in Nigeria yet? What is it like? Tell us - tell us!! Stay safe, you wonderful traveller you.

    Love -
