Thursday, April 19, 2012

Skeleton Coast

A few days after Etosha National Park and about 5 days into bush camping, we made it to Namibia's coast line- Skeleton Coast. Pretty ominous, eh?

We drove through miles and miles of dry nothingness to get there.

It's called skeleton coast because ships would pull ashore and nobody would survive the treck across the desert to find water. So abandonned ships are supposedly scattered all along the coast. We only saw one. But we did see whale skeletons and animal skulls.

Our not-so-overwhelming shipwreck.

It was surprisingly cold and windy for a desert. You can see I'm pretty bundled up!

Sitting on a whale bone with me two friends.

Why did the skeleton not attend the party? Because he had NO BODY to go with! Har har har...

Lunch time

- Sent from Africa using my iPad

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