Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bahir Dah

We left Addis, definitely not my favorite city, and had one nights bush camp before Bahir Dah.

We camped by a river. That night, a great storm hit and the river started flooding fast. People had to move their tents to avoid being swept away. And the rain pounded away into the night.

That night and the next morning, we had a few guests. We gave them some truck tea to warm up. They had big umbrellas and big guns.

At the morning progressed, around 7:00, we started getting lots of curious visitors so it was time to pack up and get a move on.

In Bahir Dah, on Lake Tana, we went to island Orthodox Christian Monasteries. At the first, there was a huge celebration going on. Crowds of people pressed together listening and responding to the prompts with claps and chanting in unison.

On the inside were paintings from the 16th century.

- Sent from Africa using my iPad

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