Saturday, August 18, 2012


What do you envision when you hear "Sudan"? Heat, desert, calls to prayer at 4 in the morning? You'd be correct but I certainly didn't expect this:

Our first night in Khartoum, it rained and poured so hard that the city was a river by morning. All African storms so far have been intense but brief, lasting only a few hours. But this went well into the next day! Our taxi ride to the camel market the next day might as well have been in a boat.

It was okay though because anything that did get soaked only had to be in the sun for a few minutes before it dried. That sun was roasting.

In Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, I saw the convergence of the Blue and White Nile, to make the river that flows to Egypt and out to sea. But the bridge it flows under was occupied by the military. They let us on it, but no pictures allowed!

It is Ramadan at the moment for Muslim people. During Ramadan, you don't eat or drink during the day but only when the sun is down. So at night the cities come alive but during the day, it makes it hard for us non-Muslim people to find lunch. Also, it is taboo to drink out in the open, which is hard to resist after walking around town in the hot sun.


The last check off the list for Khartoum was to stock up on water and supplies for our week long stretch of Nubian Desert. Fingers crossed!

- Sent from Africa using my iPad

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