On my last day we went into the heart of Belfast.
But first stop was......... TESCO! Now for all you people who don't know what Tesco is, don't worry, I was once like you. Tesco is pretty much the Walmart of the UK. And on the Trans, the whole truck was stocked with Tesco Value Brand food. Things like baked beans, peaches, spaghetti, tinned hot dogs, muesli and peanut butter, for those times we were so remote we couldn't even buy food. I got on the trip and was like "What's Tesco?" and people were like "You don't know what Tesco is?!?!?"
So I've been using Tesco stuff for so long and when I got in the store, I basically watched the past 10 months flash before my eyes. Plus, that was the first major supermarket I've been in for a long, long time. It had so many things! It was Amazing! I even took photos. Jenny put up with me as I embarrassed myself.
I raced around searching for the sweet corn and peaches and baked beans.
Baked beans. Which for the record I actually never ate.
Tinned peaches which I DID eat and loved!
Ah, memories...
A bit bigger than your average African market.
I ended up buying real (not tinned) peaches and chocolate. I'm keeping the Tesco label as a memento. I should be getting paid for all this promotion!
- Sent from Africa using my iPad
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